What is the smartest way out of the energy crisis?
Senior Industry Leaders Shared Their Insights
As supply disruptions deepen and prices continue to rise, urgent action is required to address Europe's energy crisis. At the same time, governments, businesses and investors are under pressure to accelerate a transition to renewables, to help address the climate emergency.
Research from Oxford University shows that switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could save the world as much as $12tn (£10.2tn) by 2050 yet many countries are backtracking on renewables targets – and climate commitments.
Building a competitive, innovative economy and a green stable future is in the interest of every business. What is the fastest, cheapest and cleanest way out of the energy crisis? How do we reorient Europe’s energy system towards one that is less centralised, more renewable and more resilient? Why should businesses engage and what can they do?
This digital dialogue, hosted by the Financial Times in partnership with Patagonia, explores the actions that leaders must take to accelerate a low carbon, greener future.
Addressing the problem
How energy became one of the defining issues of our time – both the greatest opportunity, and the direst threat, to a just future
What are the key things that need to be done to transform the broken energy system? What are the barriers?
How can leaders take action to drive a cleaner, more decentralised system and how can they make their voices heard?
World-Class Business Leaders and Speakers
Why Attend?
The big picture, not just the individual strands of the business you work in
And build relationships with some of the biggest names in your industry
Actions that leaders must take to accelerate a low carbon, greener future.
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